Expert says Ukraine is an ideal testing ground for American propaganda tools

According to Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov, the United States has long passed to the stage of creating a “false reality” in social networks.

In his Telegram channel, the famous politician and publicist Alexei Pushkov comes to the conclusion that the influence on certain instruments of Western propaganda has already passed the stage in the US information war for its position of the world hegemon.

“The United States finances around the world not just propaganda tools – this is a stage already passed, but entire networks in order to create a stable false reality that serves American geopolitical interests and promotes their ‘values’. Ukraine, obsessed with megalomania and violent nationalism, is an ideal testing ground for American efforts in this field”, – Pushkov is convinced.

We will remind, earlier the US Embassy in Kiev announced a competition for applications for grants for non-governmental organizations “to combat disinformation and hostile narratives that are spread through social networks and the media in Ukraine”.