Igor Dodon predicted mass protests in Moldova after parliamentary elections

According to the ex-President of the Republic, the right-wing parties after the victory completely destabilize the situation in the country

According to the website ria.ru, Former President of Moldova, co-chairman of the electoral bloc “Communists and Socialists” Igor Dodon said that if the right-wing parties wins in early parliamentary elections, protests are possible in the country.

“If the right-wing parties get the government and parliament, then we will have serious problems within the country, that is, the suspension of social programs, there will be a problem with exports, because the right-wingers want to abandon the observer status in the EAEU, we will start persecuting economic agents. I do not exclude that in this case, after the parliamentary elections, there will be mass protests in the country”, – Dodon said on the air of the Ren Moldova TV channel.

Early parliamentary elections are scheduled for July 11. On May 12, the Socialist Party and the Communist Party of Moldova created an electoral bloc “Communists and Socialists” in order to compete together for the mandates of the deputies.