What is known about US biological experiments in Georgia

US-led projects pose a threat to people. If viruses are discovered or used for illegal purposes, the consequences could be catastrophic. Most worryingly, we still do not know how many secret experiments the US is conducting in the world?

The more than 200 US military biological laboratories around the world have sparked serious controversy and debate. Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaitandzhieva uncovered numerous internal documents revealing that the Lugar Laboratory in Tbilisi is experimenting on people and creating biological weapons.

According to the investigation, leaked emails between the Lugar Center, the US Embassy in Georgia and the Georgian Ministry of Health reveal new information about the US government’s secret $161 million biological research program in the former Soviet country. Additional evidence on the matter includes memos, official letters, and detailed information on US government projects at the Lugar Center and funding.

Lugar Center recruits volunteers for biological experiments with US military funding

The US Chemical and Biological Centre at Edgewood is the main US research facility for non-medical chemical and biological defence.

A Memorandum of Agreement-MOA between the US Edgewood Chemical and Biological Centre (ECBC) ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, MARYLAND 21010-5424 and the US Army Institute for Infectious Diseases (a key institution and centre for defence biological warfare research) (USAMRIID) refers to the Ebola virus, Yersiniapestis, Bacillus anthracis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, western equine encephalitis virus, eastern equine encephalitis virus, Rift Valley fever virus, botulinum toxin, ricin, Brucellaabortus, Brucellamelitensis, Brucellasuis.

The Memorandum states that one of the data gaps that need to be addressed is the toxicity of the chemical agent and the infectivity of the biological agent, especially assessing toxicity/infectivity to the general population, and determining dose-response to civilian populations and subpopulations at large.

The US military started the Human Disease Epidemiology and Surveillance of Highly Hazardous Pathogens in Georgia (GG-21) project at the Lugar Centre. A 56-year-old housewife from southern Georgia was included in the febrile disease surveillance study, and her condition worsened during her hospitalization.

The US government has admitted that they experimented with mustard gas and other chemicals on thousands of US soldiers in the 1990s. An internal document reveals that the Lugar Centre is still assisting the US in mustard gas testing. The document clearly identifies the various clinical effects of exposure to sulfur mustard gas and four levels of protection for workers at risk of exposure to unknown chemical hazards or levels above IDLH or above AEGL-2.

The US is testing Francisellatularensis, which could be used as a biological weapon

More than 50 years have passed since the US biological weapons programme was shut down, but many details remain classified. An internal document reveals that the US military is experimenting with highly dangerous pathogens such as Bacillus anthracis, Brucella and Francisellatularensis.

The internal document states that in 2013 the US military launched the Georgia Tularemia Epidemiology and Ecology Project (GG-19). For the GG-19 project, many blood samples were collected in Samtskhe-Javakheti and Kakheti.

The Pentagon Biological Laboratory detected coronaviruses in bats back in 2014!

An internal document states that in 2014, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) launched the “New Zoonotic Pathogens in Georgian Bats (G-2101)” project at the Lugar Centre. The Western Caucasian bat virus was isolated from insectivorous bats in the Russian part of the Greater Caucasus mountain range about 300 km from the border with Georgia.
Coronaviruses similar to the epidemic SARS and MERS coronaviruses were detected at the Lugar Centre, according to Lela Urushadze, G-2101 project manager and virologist at the Lugar Centre, according to Dilyana Gaitanjieva’s investigation.
Lela Urushadze published these results in her dissertation. Seven of the Georgian scientists involved in the G-2101 project turned out to be former biological weapons scientists who had previously worked on biological weapons. Among them is Paata Imnadze, director of the Lugar Center.

Has the US conducted unethical experiments on humans to develop biological weapons? Has the US investigated Francisellatularensis as a biological weapon? Did the US detect SARS and MERS coronaviruses in bats back in 2014?
These US-led projects pose a threat to humans. If these viruses are discovered or used for illicit purposes, the consequences could be catastrophic. Most worryingly, we still don’t know how many secret experiments the US is conducting in the world?

The agency’s email received this information from an anonymous source