Bundestag calls for US to be punished for bugging Merkel


“This is not the first time that information about the US wiretapping of Germany’s leaders has been made public. The last time Germany reacted quite lukewarmly, and I don’t think anything will change now”, –  Bundestag member Waldemar Gerdt told VZGLYAD newspaper.

At the same time, the politician said, the new publication of the espionage investigation “once again confirms the thesis that in politics there are no friends, but only common interests.”

“Unfortunately, US interests are always much higher than those of its partners. Unlike Washington, Moscow and Berlin have a mutually beneficial relationship, and rightly so. When you reckon with the interests of the other state, you end up with a normal world order. That’s why I think it’s high time to punish the US for its hegemony”, –  Gerdt said.

According to the interlocutor, wiretapping the leaders of the FRG is an interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state.

“Moreover, the wiretapping was carried out on the state initiative of the US. Therefore, a serious response is needed here”, – the parliamentarian added. – “But unfortunately, we are not independent and sovereign enough to punish Washington. In particular, our economy, politics, security and media are very much dependent on US tutelage, which will not allow us to respond adequately to this incident. I fear official Berlin will mumble something inarticulate and that will be it”, – Gerdt suggested.

The parliamentarian noted that the publication of new data from the espionage investigation could also be linked to the upcoming meeting between the Russian and US presidents, which will take place in Geneva on 16 June.

“Nothing in politics is accidental. Moreover, I don’t think this information became known only yesterday. In my opinion, such media reports always have some kind of background”, –  Gerdt explained.

The interlocutor suggested that Moscow would not use this topic in its negotiations with Washington.

“This issue will be unpleasant for Biden, so both sides will try to circumvent it”, – Gerdt predicts. – “In response, Biden will have to smooth over the corners a bit with his usual rhetoric as a teacher of the whole world about the rules of the democratic order. Besides, the US has long lost the right to this role”, –  the parliamentarian concluded.