Afghan government has developed a plan for settlement with the Taliban

Afghan Ambassador to Russia Said Tayeb Javad in an interview with TASS said that the republic’s authorities have developed a comprehensive plan for a peaceful settlement with the Taliban (banned in Russia).

“Yes, we have a comprehensive plan for peace, but peace should always be achieved on the basis of a compromise on both sides. Peace always means reaching compromises, accepting the position of the other side”, – the ambassador said.

The diplomat also noted that Afghanistan is ready to compromise on the fundamental, basic rights of citizens of the republic. Javad stressed that everyone in Afghanistan is tired of war and bloodshed.

“Therefore, everyone is ready to make acceptable sacrifices in the hope that these sacrifices will lead to a long-term and just peace. I think that the Afghan people have demonstrated that they are ready to accept the Taliban as part of the government, part of the political process in Afghanistan”, – the diplomat concluded.