Berlin regrets the decision of Russia and the United States to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty

German Cabinet spokesman Steffen Seibert noted that Berlin considers this agreement an important part of the arms control architecture.

According to TASS, on Friday, at a briefing, the official representative of the German Cabinet of Ministers Steffen Seibert said that the German government regrets the US decision to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty (OON) and its denunciation by Russia, while Berlin intends to continue to adhere to the agreement.

“We took note of these messages”, – he said, referring to the US intention not to return to the Open Skies Treaty.

“The government’s position on this treaty has not changed: we consider it an important part of the arms control architecture, it promotes mutual transparency, strengthening trust and thus greater security. So we regret the US decision, as well as Russia’s announcement of withdrawal from the Don. The German government will continue to implement the agreement”.