Congressmen propose to save $73bn on retooling US nuclear arsenal

Democrats in the US Congress have proposed  saving $73bn on the refurbishment of the nuclear arsenal

Congressmen Edward Markey and Erd Blumenauer have reintroduced the “Smarter Spending on Nuclear” bill.

Thus, it is possible to save $14 billion if the number of deployed nuclear warheads could be reduced from 1,500 to 1,000, and the number of missiles from 400 to 150, the bill’s authors say.

Another $9 billion could be saved on plutonium production, $4.4 billion on abandoning the B83-1 bomb and another $7.5 billion by not developing the new W-93 warhead.

According to the congressmen, $13bn would be saved on air-launched cruise missiles if the new nuclear warhead for them were abandoned.