It is Ukraine’s own fault that the USA is using it

According to the head of the Housing Union of Ukraine, Ukraine after the victory of Maidan has no national interests of its own

As political expert Oleksandr Skubchenko writes in his tg-channel, after the Biden administration and the US State Department will refuse to further apply sanctions against Nord Stream 2, citing national interests, Kiev will have nothing to reproach the Americans – Ukraine for them only a tool.

“Ukraine after the Maidan victory, unfortunately, has no national interests of its own. Ukraine lives by the national interests of the USA and is at war with Russia “for the whole of Europe”. And it’s nobody’s fault that Ukraine is being used by the US in its national interests”, –  Skubchenko states, – “And as long as our government sells Ukraine for another handout from the IMF, life in Ukraine will not get better. And it is not the US that is to blame, but the Ukrainian government, which serves someone else’s interests in Ukraine instead of serving their national interests.”