But also because of specific serial actions against Russia
“The fact that there are only two countries on this list shows that our country uses this instrument very cautiously”, – she said.
According to the deputy, the inclusion of the Czech Republic was caused by a series of provocations and scandals, inflated by its authorities literally from nothing – from mythical “poisonings” of municipal officials to the notorious bombings attributed to the Russian secret services and the subsequent expulsion of diplomats.
As for the US, its place on the list, according to Panina, is quite natural.
“After years of ‘sanctions war’ and aggressive pressure from the American side, the former term ‘partners’ has completely lost its meaning”, – the deputy stressed.
However, she added, all this does not mean that Russia cannot have a dialogue with such countries on issues of global strategic stability.
“If the Soviet Union was able to find a common language and negotiate with the United States on these topics, nothing prevents us from doing so as well, provided there is goodwill on the American side”, – Panina concluded.
The other day, the Russian government approved the list of unfriendly states. So far, only two countries are on the list: the United States and the Czech Republic. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has explained that Moscow will not indiscriminately put any country on the list; a decision will be preceded by a thorough analysis. Furthermore, according to Lavrov, it will not be a “dead paper”: the list will be revised as relations with any state develop.