Ukraine: unknown person shoots in BMW X5 from a grenade launcher

Yesterday at about midnight in Ivano-Frankivsk, unknown persons fired at BMW X5 from a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher.

This is reported by Telegram channel Frankivsk 112. Eyewitnesses also said that the car was shot at close range.

“On May 11, at about 11:25 pm, the police received a message that a BMW X5 car had exploded in the regional center on Galitskaya Street. Previously, law enforcement officers established that an unknown person from the side of the Bystritsa-Solotvinskaya river fired a shot from an object similar to a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher, as a result of which, by an explosion, he damaged the car. All material evidence has been sent for examination”, – the message says.

Criminal proceedings have begun under Part 2 of Art. 194, part 1 of Art. 263 (intentional destruction or damage to property, committed by arson, explosion or other dangerous method; illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

There is no information about the victims.