Decisive elections unfold in Britain – the future of Scotland and beyond is at stake

Millions of British voters are taking part in local and national elections today. As a result of this procedure, the governments of Scotland and Wales, local councils of England will be formed, and the next mayor of London will also be known.

The election is also challenging British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, as well as his main Labor rival, Keir Starmer.

Johnson has faced accusations of nepotism and incompetence in the fight against the pandemic in recent weeks. While the Tories were ahead of Labor in sociological research, the gap narrowed over the weekend after a formal investigation into Johnson’s behavior was launched.

For Starmer, who has been the leader of the official opposition for a year, the elections are also of great importance. A bad result will raise legitimate questions as to whether he is fit to be the savior of Labor, who has not won the general election since 2005.

In Scotland, victory is sorely needed for the Scottish National Party, led by Nicola Sturgeon. As you know, nationalists are in favor of the declaration of independence. If they win, they promise to hold a second referendum that will determine the country’s future. True, the latest poll showed that Sturgeon’s party is unlikely to get a majority in the local parliament following the elections.