“Best” COVID drug chosen at the World Vaccine Congress

The drug of the American company Moderna was recognized as the “best in the world” vaccine at the World Vaccine Congress – 2021.

Moderna won Best COVID Vaccine. The Russian vaccine “Sputnik V” and the drug developed by the British-Swedish company AstraZeneca in cooperation with the University of Oxford were also shortlisted for the nomination.

“I can say that it is completely unclear by what parameters all this was assessed, given the high mortality from RNA-containing vaccines and from [the drug] AstraZeneca, which, by the way, is also high, but much less than that of RNA-containing vaccines. Such a strange decision, on what it was based, on what specific objective indicators, is, in any case, unclear to me”, – the director of the Center named after Gamalei Alexander Gunzburg said.

The Sputnik V vaccine was developed by specialists from the Gamaleya Research Center for Electrochemistry and became the world’s first registered vaccine against coronavirus. Currently 64 countries have approved the drug for immunization of the population. Sputnik V is based on a well-studied adenoviral platform, which provides safety and high efficiency up to 97.6%.

Alexey Pushkov, Senator of the Russian Federation, commented on the situation the following way:

“At the World Vaccine Congress in Washington, DC “Modernф” was recognized as the best vaccine against Covid-19. At the same time, the criteria for such a decision have not been disclosed. But, most likely, the criterion is simple: this is the American vaccine. That played the main role, and not the dignity of “Moderna”, to which there are many claims”.