“Racism, threats, blackmail”. Federation Council told if there is democracy in the United States

Democratic countries do not interfere in the internal affairs of other sovereign states, and their new authorities do not cross out the decisions of their predecessors because of personal antagonism – taking these theses into account, it is necessary to say whether there is still democracy in the United States, said the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev.

“Democratic countries do not engage in blackmail and threats against other sovereign states, do not interfere in their internal affairs. They do not violate international law, do not use military force and economic sanctions bypassing the UN”, – Patrushev said in an interview with the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper in response to the question whether the United States can be called a democracy today.

According to Patrushev, democracies do not trample on human rights and do not restrict freedom of speech on their territory and abroad.

“(Democratic countries – ed.) do not try to use racism of all stripes to solve internal problems, and also do not lure extremists and terrorists over to their side for geopolitical purposes. Do not allow transnational corporations to interfere in the work of the government, imposing their own interests on the country and society, and all the more to block the legitimate head of state in social networks and the media”, – said the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

According to him, in democratic countries, the administration that has come to power “does not disavow the decisions of its predecessors just because a personal antagonism has developed between them”.

“Decide for yourself whether the United States can be called a democracy today”, – concluded Patrushev.