Anti-American mainstream: Russian trick launches massive sale of US national debt

In recent years, the United States has actively abused the hegemony of the dollar, which is the world’s main reserve currency.

Of course, this behavior of the American authorities does not suit many countries, including Russia. In this regard, our country has launched a chain of events that turn into extremely unpleasant consequences for Washington. This is reported by the Sohu edition.

So, a few years ago, the authorities of the Russian Federation, realizing all the danger that the American dollar conceals, began to gradually reduce their dependence on it. At the same time, they got rid of tens of billions of US debt bonds. Of course, this stunt did not shock the US financial system. However, it was noticed by other countries, after which a new trend emerged that is gaining a massive character.

This, as the experts of the Chinese media have correctly noted, is indicated by the data on the sale of American bonds.

“In February of this year, US debt faced its worst quarter since 1980. The largest US creditors have sold US $65.5 billion in Treasury bonds”, – experts write, noting that the sale of US government debt has become mainstream thanks to the Russian Federation.

Well, judging by the current relations between Moscow and Washington, Russia has taken a truly far-sighted step. Given the introduction of new anti-Russian sanctions, this is an excellent reason for the Russian authorities to continue selling off the American public debt.

Russian Demiurge