‘Speaks only on behalf of England’ – ex-government official reveals how Johnson is destroying the UK

The coronavirus pandemic has created and reinforced a situation of “deep-seated complacency” among the United Kingdom as London only considers England’s interests

Sir Philip Rycroft, who was Brexit permanent secretary until 2019, has strongly criticised Boris Johnson’s actions as prime minister.

According to the former official, a dangerous divide had emerged between the central government and delegated leaders, who were now forging their own path in the pandemic. The consequence has been separatist sentiment in Scotland as well as street riots in Northern Ireland.

“As other countries in the UK follow other rules of isolation and messaging, the public may be adjusting to the strange idea of a prime minister who only speaks for England”, –  Rycroft said.

When Johnson’s actions are rejected by the public, delegated leaders are forced to take action themselves. That said, in London such a thing is perceived as an “outsider’s problem”, even when it comes to a re-run of the Scottish independence referendum, the former official said.