Participants in the nuclear deal pledge to support the process of returning the US to the agreement

The statement noted that the next meeting of the Joint Commission will be held in Vienna


The countries participating in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s nuclear program (Germany, France, Great Britain, China, Russia, Iran) have promised to jointly support the process of returning the US to the agreement. This was stated in a statement issued by the EU External Action Service on Friday following an online meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission at the level of political directors.

“Participants reaffirmed the prospect of a full US return to the JCPOA and stressed their willingness to positively influence the process through joint efforts”, –  the document said. The EU foreign policy presidency of the JCPOA meetings also announced its intention to “intensify bilateral contacts with the parties to the agreement and the US” in the coming days.

The statement also noted that the next meeting of the Joint Commission will be held in Vienna and will discuss concrete measures on two key elements of the nuclear deal – the process of lifting sanctions against Iran and Tehran’s fulfilment of its nuclear obligations.

“Participants agreed to resume this negotiating session at next week’s meeting of the Joint Commission on the JCPOA in Vienna to clearly define measures for the implementation of the agreement, including the lifting of sanctions and fulfilment of nuclear obligations, including by convening meetings of relevant expert groups”, –  the statement said.

Participants also reaffirmed their commitment to the full retention of the JCPOA and the implementation of all its modalities.