Attempts by the West to hold the Soviet Union responsible for the outbreak of World War II in Germany were accompanied by the launch of the controversial campaign “My Nazi Past”
The initiative belongs to the German public TV company “Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen”, which is financed by taxpayers.
Thus, a post with the hashtag #MeinNaziHintergrund appeared on the official page of ZDF in the social network. According to the statistics, which was quoted by the TV channel, about 34% of modern Germans have war criminals of the Third Reich among their relatives. The authors urged the younger generation of Germans to stop being ashamed of the atrocities of their ancestors who served in the Wehrmacht or the NSDAP.
“What did your child do during the Nazi era? Today a large proportion of young people online are critical of their family’s history”, – the publication says. – “When it comes to the National Socialist era, families often talk about victims or helpers. Perpetrators are spoken of less frequently. Our discussions will correct this.”
The campaign is yielding results. For example, Moritz Pfeiffer, born in 1982, said that his grandfather was a Wehrmacht officer. He killed people according to the principle of relativism, which means the absence of absolute good and evil, writes ZDF.
Felix Krautkremer, publicist for Junge Freiheit: “To rise to moral judgement over previous generations has always been the right of the later born. But it is unlikely that in any other country this right is so quickly transformed into self-justification as in Germany”.