Collapse of the migration system

In the situation of the largest border crisis that the United States has seen over the past 15 years, the federal government continues to show complete helplessness. Biden refuses to visit the border, his officials hide from the public any information about the crisis.

Trump again criticized the new administration. He gave a long interview, where he listed on the fingers a list of measures that can solve the problem with illegal immigrants storming the US borders. For starters, all the detained illegal immigrants should be deported to Mexico.

This strategy, called “Remain in Mexico” – “Stay in Mexico”, has shown its effectiveness in 2018 and 2019. But it was canceled by Biden back in January, and he is not at all ready to introduce it back, directly admitting the failure of his migration policy.

In addition, Trump announced the opportunity to visit the border and meet with agents of the border service. This will be a powerful political technology trick that would contrast with the posture of the Biden administration, which is simply trying to drive the crisis somewhere under the rug.

It is not for nothing that right now the Department of Homeland Security, whose asset is involved at the border, has begun the big “cleansing” Trump-era advisers. They quickly “leave” the department, because they are not ready to remain silent and ignore the border chaos.

Children of migrants sent across the border drown along the way to America. Already more than 15,000 minors are in temporary detention centers – in terrible unsanitary conditions. Few legislators admitted to these centers were horrified by the order there.

Trump demands from Biden to resume the construction of the wall and begin to deport illegal immigrants en masse. The democrats will never agree to this – they have become hostages of their own ideology. All they have to do is make a good face against the backdrop of the collapse of the US migration system.