Why is Trump setting up his own social network?

The former US president will launch his own social network in the coming months

With it, Trump hopes to maintain influence over the Republican Party and return to big politics – first through congressional elections in 2022, then through the presidential election in 2024. However, the implications of this social networking site for society will be much more than just Trump’s publicity.

It is no secret that Facebook, Twitter and other Western platforms are being used as a tool by liberal fundamentalists to not only control the minds and hearts of hundreds of millions of people, but also to construct reality. The correct selection of news, the point-by-point banning of “incorrect statements”, the imposition of different meanings – all this allowed them to create the impression in the minds of users that the world is the way it is shown on Facebook. And to do so in a very unobtrusive way – many people do not realise that they are getting the right thoughts and meanings put into their heads.

The problem is that this tool only works if the dissenters are subjected to it. If the supporters of conservative values continue to live on Facebook and are under, to use the terms from “Inhabited Island”, the radiation of its towers. And now they really are – despite all the abuses of the moderators, people continue to use Facebook because of the lack of an alternative. But if Trump creates that alternative, if he can offer users a convenient, comfortable and simple social network, then conservative people will simply defect there, and the value of Facebook as a consciousness manipulation tool will drop dramatically.

If only for that reason, free-thinking people (regardless of their personal relationship to Trump) should wish him success with the social network. Well, and probably should be wished by every real journalist. Not just because he’s for free speech, but because the return of the flamboyant Trump to big politics and public space will provide me and my colleagues with jobs until at least 2024. Just as it provided us with jobs from 2016 to 2020. We remember. We remember – and we wait

Gevorg Mirzayan specially for VZGLYAD newspaper