US wants agreement with Taliban on extension of troops’ stay in Afghanistan

An agreement between Washington and the Taliban from February 2020 stipulates that all US troops must leave the territory of Afghanistan by 1 May 2021

According to Interfax, Adam Smith, chairman of the US House Armed Services Committee, said that US President Joe Biden’s administration was currently studying the possibility of agreements with the Taliban (a terrorist organisation banned in Russia) to extend the stay of US troops in Afghanistan.

“What the Biden administration wants to do is negotiate after May 1 and then at least explore whether the Taliban have changed their approach”, –  Smith said, speaking at a Foreign Policy magazine forum.

The lawmaker said he had spoken to Presidential National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin on the subject.

“I think there is a general feeling that May 1 is too early, just logistically. We have about 3,500 troops in Afghanistan, our allies have about 7,000. You can’t get more than 10,000 troops out in any way in six weeks”, –  he said.

Smith expressed doubts that the Taliban may be open to U.S. proposals to extend the stay.

“Can their stance on the American presence change? I doubt it. But I think the administration thinks it’s worth discussing”, –  he said.