“The US has become the biggest source of terror of our time…” – Noam Chomsky, one of America’s most prominent intellectuals
No coup d’état in the world is without US involvement, be it Venezuela-2002 and 2019, Haiti-2004 or Honduras-2009. Yugoslavia-1999, with bombings, war and state collapse, is in the same vein!
As history shows, Yugoslavia was not the first and was not the last country to be subjected to U.S. aggression. The NATO actions in March and June 1999 were a harbinger of subsequent US military operations in other parts of the globe.
Their flirting and direct collaboration with Islamic radicals in Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Syria and Yemen has turned the Middle East into a hotbed of permanent tension, a Mecca for terrorists around the world. And the democracy that was talked about so much and paid for so much has not come about – not in Afghanistan, not in Libya, not in Iraq, not in Syria. Nowhere!
In Afghanistan – the war has been going on for 20 years with endless terrorist attacks. There are more than 20 terrorist-type groups operating in the country, fighting the government and among themselves.
Since the start of the US invasion of Iraq, the death toll in the country has reached 1 million!
Libya has decided to democratise and has been turned into a slave-trade centre. Under Gaddafi there was a decent, peaceful country with low crime, a high level of income and decent social welfare.
The US-inspired civil war in Yemen, which is based on the conflict between the Houthis and the Saudis, is in its sixth year.
Wherever the Americans with their democracy go, there are civil conflicts, chaos, and an upsurge of terrorism. If they turned their back on Afghanistan, the Taliban and Al Qaeda appear; if they entered Iraq under false pretext, they get Sunni radicals; if they took democracy to Syria, they get a protracted civil war and humanitarian disaster there.