Nord Stream 2 issue introduced in US bill to support Ukraine

Committee Chairman Senator Robert Menendez said that one of the two issues on the agenda was a vote on the Ukraine Security Partnership Act 2021 bill

According to Korrespondent, the US Senate has postponed a review of the Security Partnership Act – 2021 in the Committee on Foreign Relations because of a last-minute amendment related to the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. According to senior committee member Jim Risch, this was because Senator Ted Cruz had introduced an amendment on Nord Stream 2 the day before, so it had not yet been processed before the vote.

“This issue of Nord Stream 2 we have raised over and over again and I think we are all committed to getting this issue resolved”, –  the lawmaker stressed.

He recalled that more than one letter had already been sent to the presidential administration on this pipeline.

“The letters obviously had a slightly different tone, but the aim was the same. I hope we will all push for this”, –  Riesch stressed, adding that time is running out.