US believes AstraZeneca distorted vaccine efficacy data

The pharmaceutical company “AstraZeneca” may have released incomplete data on the effectiveness of its COVID-19 vaccine based on the results of trials in the United States, as the declared effectiveness is at odds with reality.

According to the company itself, the effectiveness of the drug in trials in the United States, Chile and Peru was 79%. At the same time, the developers’ statement that the vaccine allegedly does not provoke the formation of blood clots is much more remarkable. As News Front previously reported, this dangerous side effect of the drug has forced many countries to abandon the AstraZeneca vaccine.

“Nothing but a vaccine can explain why we got such an immune response”, – said Norwegian professor Andre Holme when local scientists proved the link between blood clots and the administration of the drug AstraZeneca.

Against this backdrop, experts are concerned that AstraZeneca “may have included outdated information from this study that could provide an incomplete picture of effectiveness”, said the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“We urge the company to work with the Data Monitoring Committee to analyze performance data and publish the most accurate and up-to-date performance data as soon as possible”, – the report said.