Konstantin Kosachev: Confrontation with Moscow is choice of EU

The foreign ministers of the EU countries believe that Moscow has embarked on a course of confrontation with Brussels, said the head of the European Union’s foreign policy, Josep Borrell

They say that cheek brings success. But the residents of the European Union are unlikely to be happy with the antics of European officials and European deputies, who have driven relations with Russia into a hopeless dead end in recent years and have achieved their goal.

Moscow did not embark on a course of confrontation, Mr. Borrell – it was just your choice back in the days when your predecessors did not have the courage to call the Kiev Maidan a coup d’etat, and the Crimeans were Europeans just like the Kosovars and northern Cypriots.

Moscow has lived, lives and will continue to live in full accordance with civilizational standards. When they protect those in need of help, not those seeking benefits, and when human decency is above Euro-Atlantic geopolitics, which is passed off as European values. Even if someone in Brussels doesn’t like it.

Konstantin Kosachev