Slovak opposition party calls for use of Russian COVID-19 vaccine

The Slovak authorities are showing alarming ineffectiveness by delaying the use of the Russian Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine.

According to the Slovak edition of News Front, Andrei Danko, head of the opposition Slovak National Party, told about this.

“We are one of the few states that have had Sputnik V for three weeks already. Hungary imported the vaccine in February and started vaccinations less than a week later. This irresponsible behavior with a vaccine that could save several hundred lives is a gamble with the lives of citizens”.

Danko draws attention to the fact that the government’s actions endanger further supplies of the drug and undermine confidence on the part of Russia.

“It is possible that the Russian side will take steps to ensure that the vaccine is not disposed of in this way. This is a huge inefficiency of our government. If they did not want to be vaccinated with the Sputnik V vaccine, they should not have bought it”, – the politician continued, adding that the authorities had spent several million euros on the purchase of the drug.