A competitor for Twitter? Expert suggests what kind of social network will be created by Trump

The Internet platform, which ex-head of the White House Donald Trump plans to create, may be arranged like Twitter, said Igor Bederov, an expert at the SafeNet engineering center of the National Technology Initiative (NTI).

Recently, Trump’s adviser Jason Miller told Fox News that the former American leader will resume activity on the Web, but this time he will “play by his own rules”, as he will create his own platform.

“Most likely, this platform will be a social network. Trump previously actively used Twitter, I think the new platform will be something similar to him – a social network with short, concise messages. The name of the social network may include his last name, for example – Trump Network”, – suggested Bederov in a comment to RIA Novosti.

According to him, the maintenance of such a platform on good servers from Selectel can cost Trump from one to two million rubles a month.

“In addition, the site will need a staff of about 10 people: programmers, designers, etc. This is at least $5,000 per month for each”, – Bederov said.

The expert added that such an initiative by Trump may be another reason to remind of himself and again find himself in the information field, since it is not entirely clear why he needs to create an Internet platform.

In early January, Twitter finally blocked Donald Trump’s page after supporters of the former US leader seized the Capitol. As a result of the attempted storming of the Congress, four protesters and one policeman were killed.

More than 160 cases were opened on the fact of the riots. After these events, which happened on January 6, the administration of the social network Facebook followed the example of Twitter, fearing further “provocative” publications from the then president of the Republican.

Later, Trump himself refused to return to Twitter, saying that the social network was “not the same”.