European Court of Human Rights starts hearing cases on language education reform in Latvia

The European Court of Human Rights has today sent notification of 160 complaints from parents of schoolchildren to the Government of Latvia

According to the Russian Union of Latvia on its Facebook page, the European Court of Human Rights has begun consideration of cases of language reform of education in Latvia. All these lawsuits were drawn up with the help and support of the Latvian Committee for Human Rights, the Russian Union of Latvia and personally our MP Vladimir Buzayev.

“In fact this means that the cases have been accepted for consideration, i.e. passed the stage of admissibility both by one judge and seven judges. This is a signal that our arguments have been considered weighty and violations of the Human Rights Convention can indeed be found in the cases”, –  the report says,  – “In the notice sent to Prime Minister Karinsh the ECtHR raises 21 direct questions. For example, why is this ‘reform’ needed at all and does it have any legitimate purpose in principle, does the government consider the introduction of this reform to be discrimination, and if so, what reasonable arguments are there to justify it?”

The government has until July to submit its comments. The court will then give us an opportunity to comment on the government’s arguments and make our objections and comments. Vladimir Buzaev, the main inspirer and organiser of the lawsuit filing campaign, commented on today’s positive news.

“Thanks to concerned parents who responded to our appeal, for the first time the educational language reform will be subjected to such a qualitative assessment, and by the only institution that has the right not to recommend, but to demand that Latvia repeal this reform!”, –  said the RD MP.