At the same time, the accession to the EU was supported by 69% of Ukrainian citizens.
As Censor.NET informs, 69% of Ukrainians support the country’s accession to the European Union, 57% support NATO membership. The percentage of those who support joining these structures is higher among young people and residents of western Ukraine and lower among older people living in the east of the country.
“Accession to the EU is supported by 75% of men and 66% of women. The residents of the western region of Ukraine have the most positive attitude to this issue. Here 84% of respondents supported the EU accession, and the lowest indicator is in the East – 49%. It is quite expected that young people aged 18-29 are the most ready for membership in European families. Among this category of respondents, 80% expressed support for joining the EU. The smallest indicator is 53% in the senior age category 60+”, – the message says.
At the same time, 57% of Ukrainians are positive about the prospect of Ukraine joining NATO. 70% of men and 51% of women support joining the Alliance. Young people are more optimistic about the prospect of NATO membership than people in the 60+ age group. In percentage terms, this is 72% and 43%, respectively. In the 45-59 age group, the percentage of those who support joining the alliance is 50%, and in the 30-44 age group – 64%.
Thus, the fact is obvious that seven years of unrestrained propaganda and whipping up anti-Russian hysteria did not have such a strong impact on the citizens of Ukraine, as the Kiev rulers would have liked. Only young people who, during the events of the last Maidan, were no more than 21 years old, managed to cheat.
At the same time, the desire of Ukrainians to join the EU once again shows that the residents of Nezalezhnaya (the Independent country, Ukraine – Ed.) did not understand that no one is waiting for them in the EU and that Ukraine is not going to be accepted there.