For several days now there has been a fierce discussion in the US about the “women’s issue” in the context of military service. It began with Biden’s call to “feminise” the US military and achieve “gender equality” among military personnel
This caused the expected public confusion. Tucker Carlson, the most popular broadcaster in the US, drew attention to the fact that “feminising” the army could quickly lead to its weakening.
He cited basic facts as arguments: for example, the military training standards for women in the US army are significantly lower than those for men. Many studies show that all-male units do better than “feminised” units.
Women often can’t get into the Marines – they can’t pass physical fitness standards. On average, 84 per cent of all women – and 30 per cent of men – fail the army standards. The situation is similar across the ocean in the United Kingdom military.
It got to the point that some US military units joined the debate on the “women’s issue” by accusing Carlson of intolerance. It is time, they say, to “balance” standards so that all “genders” can serve in the military – and there should be room even for pregnant women .
This is unheard of and a violation of all the statutes that forbid US servicemen to participate in politics. If something similar had happened under Trump, the Democrats in Congress would have already impeached him again. But Biden will get away with any politicisation of the Pentagon.
Carlson’s response to the whole army circus was caustic: “If our war-mongers plan to fight me the way they have been fighting the Taliban for 20 years, I have nothing to fear.