The foreign ministry said it was a gross interference in China’s domestic politics
The Chinese authorities strongly protested to the Group of Seven (G7) countries for their joint statement on Beijing’s “suppression of opposition” through electoral reform in Hong Kong. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Monday.
“We believe this is a gross interference in China’s domestic politics and we strongly protest about it”, – he told a regular briefing.
According to a statement issued by the foreign ministers of the Group of Seven countries on March 12, the electoral reform in Hong Kong is of concern because it is seen as aimed at suppressing the opposition in that special administrative region of China. The communiqué stressed that Beijing’s actions “undermine the high degree of Hong Kong autonomy” and contradict the principle of “one country, two systems”. In addition, such changes would allegedly strike at freedom of speech, which is guaranteed by the Sino-British Joint Declaration.
The diplomat said Beijing’s ongoing changes are solely aimed at ensuring the safety and prosperity of Hong Kong residents.
“We insist that the G7 countries immediately stop interfering in China’s affairs and we will firmly defend Hong Kong’s development interests”, – Zhao Lijian concluded.
As the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed, during more than 150 years of British colonial rule, Hong Kong people have been constantly “pressured by London without any democratic rights”.