The Kremlin comments on Financial Times article about “influence” of the security forces on Putin

Sources of the Anglo-Saxon media have significantly decreased their qualifications and understanding of the real processes in Russia, said the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.

Thus, he commented on an article that appeared in the Financial Times, which, in particular, spoke about the strengthening of the influence of the power bloc on Russian President Vladimir Putin, and that in general the Kremlin supposedly believes that law enforcement officers reacted too harshly to the situation with uncoordinated actions.

“In general, we state now that, of course, the sources of the Anglo-Saxon media, including the Financial Times, have significantly decreased the qualifications of specialists in our country. They continue their work, they express their opinions, but their qualifications have now significantly decreased. And, to our regret, the degree of understanding of the real processes in our country has probably decreased”, – Peskov told the reporters.

He added that Russia is ready “to patiently tell and explain to those who wish to know what is happening here”.