Kremlin responds to US accusations against Russia in the presence of chemical weapons

The accusations against Russia about the possession of chemical weapons are groundless and unfounded, said the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov.

Earlier, Bloomberg, citing sources, reported that the United States and Britain are considering the possibility of introducing more sanctions against Russia, aimed against sovereign debt and businessmen. According to the agency’s interlocutors, the British authorities intend to insist that the OPCW “continue to put pressure on Russia” to provide answers on the use of prohibited substances. In the coming weeks, London will be discussing possible measures with key European allies, including France and Germany.

Peskov told the reporters that the Kremlin is carefully recording such reports. He added that so far they are nothing more than media reports.

“But at the same time, of course, we understand that based on the mechanism that is involved, for example, in Washington, the second part of the sanctions is being announced. They imply the fact that again, allegedly, there are chemical weapons. No data indicating this, is present and cannot be, because Russia has long ago destroyed all stocks of chemical weapons and all programs associated with that may somehow be associated with the production of chemical weapons were phased out in accordance with Russia’s obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention”, – Peskov said.

The State Duma reminded the United States of the history of the elimination of chemical weapons

“Of course, Russia understands this, takes this into account and is working out various scenarios in order to best ensure and protect the interests of our country, our citizens and our business”, – he added.

The Kremlin has previously denied accusations of the presence of banned toxic substances. According to Peskov, Moscow is complying with all obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention.