Former Armenian President accused Pashinyan of criminal inaction during the war

According to Robert Kocharian, the rating of the Armenian prime minister is very low.

“They scraped together people for the rally with difficulty”, – Robert Kocharian said.

As Sputnik Armenia writes, ex-President of Armenia Robert Kocharian does not agree that the Armenian government has any serious public support. According to the former head of the Armenian state, the level of real support for the authorities is much lower than they are trying to imagine.

“If we leave out of brackets the people gathered with the help of the administrative resource and consider only those who really sympathize with the authorities, then there were about the same number of people on Baghramyan Avenue. The problem is that a lot of people are in a state of apathy and distrust of everyone. But these are absolutely not supporters of the current government, I agree – and the previous one, too”, – he said.

In addition, Kocharian openly accused Pashinyan of knowing in advance about the upcoming defeat in the war with Azerbaijan, but did nothing. According to the ex-president, on the fourth day of hostilities in Karabakh, the General Staff reported to Pashinyan in writing that the war would be lost.

“Why on the third day of the war the mobilization, which implies the replenishment of the active armed forces, was stopped? Why didn’t the prime minister accept the Russian president’s proposal on October 19? Meanwhile, on the fourth day of the war, he already knew that the war would be lost. He had a written conclusion from the General Staff that the war that was being waged would definitely be lost. These are not just empty statements – this is a report on a crime that the prosecutor’s office and investigative bodies should deal with”, – Kocharian said.

In addition, the former head of Armenia assessed the negative activities of George Soros and his funds on the situation in the country.

“By Soros, we mean some neo-globalist approache. The ideas they propagate run counter to the role that Armenia could play in the region. They advocate that national interests should be relegated to the background. Globalization is not only about trade, business and so on. There is also a globalization of values, the formation of a new type of people. For Armenia, with a huge mass of contradictions, which neighbors countries that think differently, the implementation of these ideas is simply self-destruction. This is a threat to national security”, – Kocharian said.

“We must oppose this with our ideology, be guided by our national interests. We need to clearly articulate what we want and who we are. We must oppose this ideology with our own. I see a threat (in the work of the Soros Foundation)”.