US Congress approves Biden’s economic stimulus package

The House of Representatives of the US Congress approved a bill of the head of the White House Joe Biden on measures to urgently stimulate the growth of the national economy in the COVID pandemic in the amount of $1.9 trillion.

Almost the minimum number of congressmen, which was required for the adoption of the project to stimulate the economy, voted for the adoption of the bill. The bill received 219 votes against the minimum for adoption of 212.

Biden’s plan to stimulate the economy calls for an estimated $400 billion directly to fight the pandemic. About $1 trillion should be directed to helping the population, the rest – to stimulate the economy.

Representatives of the Democratic Party are trying to pass the document in the US Senate under a simplified procedure in order to avoid possible opposition from Republicans, who consider the amount of 1.9 trillion dollars excessive.

The number of Senate seats is currently split equally between the Republican and Democratic parties. In accordance with American law, US Vice President Kamala Harris can vote if the senators’ positions on a particular issue are divided in half.