Capitol Police staff planned to increase by 1,000 – CNN

In the aftermath of the January 6 riots, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi initiated a Capitol Security Infrastructure Survey, which highlighted the need for more security personnel on the building. This was reported by the CNN TV channel, citing its sources.

A few days after the storming of the Capitol by supporters of former US President Donald Trump, Pelosi instructed retired Lieutenant General Russell Honoré to analyze what needs to be done to prevent such situations in the future.

“The staff of the Capitol Police, directly involved in guarding the building, is proposed to be increased by 350 people. Another 650 will join the ranks of staff in regional offices that guard members of Congress as they travel around the country”, – CNN reports.

It is also planned to create a set of portable fences, which, according to sources, will cost tens of millions of dollars, will quickly set up barriers in the way of those wishing to break into the building.

According to the channel’s sources, the implementation of these measures will cost the US budget about $100 million a year. The official findings of the study, conducted by Lieutenant General Honore, will be presented next week.