Ukrainian militants resell coronavirus vaccine

The official representative of the People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic said that the “enterprising” Ukrainian punishers did not miss the opportunity to enrich themselves through vaccination against coronavirus.

A representative of the DNR People Police said that in the territory of the medical warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, during the inventory of the American vaccine “Pfizer” received within the framework of foreign aid, eight boxes of the drug were found to be missing.

“In order to hide the fact of the theft of a foreign vaccine from the higher command, the head of the medical service of the Joint Forces Operations Avramenko made a decision to use ampoules with placebo instead of missing ampoules with a vaccine”, – the DPR NM said.

It is also noted that from the Ukrainian volunteers who are engaged in the delivery of medicines to the punishers, a few days ago in the network of retail pharmacies “Med-Service” in the village of Kramatorsk received a limited batch of Pfizer vaccine, the supplier of which is unknown.

“The disappearance of vaccines from military warehouses and their appearance in civilian pharmacies is not an accidental coincidence, but the desire of Chief Medical Officer of the OOS Avramenko to hide the fact of the theft of the vaccine, indicates his personal interest and participation in a fraudulent scheme”, – the DPR People’s Militia emphasized.