Putin: the stronger Russia becomes, the stronger the “policy of containment” becomes

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a closed meeting with representatives of the leading Russian media, announced the strengthening of the “policy of containment” by Western countries.

Полет стратегических бомбардировщиков ТУ-95 на фоне Спасской башни Московского кремля во время военного парада Победа 9 мая 2014г / MOSCOW, RUSSIA – May 9th, 2014: Flying strategic bombers TU-95 Bear on a background of the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin during a military parade of Victory on May 9th 2014

“It was then, little by little, little by little, but more and more. And the stronger we got, the stronger this policy of containment is being pursued”, – the President noted.

Putin also noted that Russia’s influence in the post-Soviet space continues to grow, which “causes concern” among Western countries. One of the reasons for the excitement of the West was the invention by Russian scientists of an effective and safe vaccine against coronavirus Sputnik V.