Media: Biden intends to make the world forget about Trump’s presidency

That said, as Foreign Policy magazine notes, there were some brand new moments in the new US president’s speech, such as a focus on the middle class

US President Joe Biden’s first foreign policy speech was in many ways a rebuke to his predecessor Donald Trump, but there were also entirely new moments, such as attention to the middle class. Foreign Policy magazine publishes this view of Biden’s State Department speech on Thursday.

“This was largely a rebuke to former President Donald Trump. Biden announced to the world that America was returning, diplomacy was returning to the centre of foreign policy”, –  the text noted. According to the publication, the statements by the current head of the Washington administration were a mixture of populist and anti-influence financial corporations (anti-Wall Street) ideas from the powerful progressive wing of the Democrats.

“Biden declared his intention to make the world forget about the four turbulent years of the Trump presidency and instead see the US as a world leader again”, –  the publication said. However, the president did not talk about “how he intends to repair the damage in relations with Europe, other than saying he will keep troops in Germany or work out a multilateral approach in pressuring China.”

According to the author, Biden introduced a new principle of national security – the welfare of the middle class.

“The most significant new element has been the focus on the working class: there will no longer be a clear separation between foreign and domestic policy”, –  the magazine notes.