For days now, American political Twitter has been laughing at the comments of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the most famous liberal congresswoman in the US
She recently issued an emotional tirade about her experiences during the theatrical assault on Congress.
Ocasio-Cortez reported that a group of “rebels” allegedly stormed her office. She, on the other hand, hid from them in a back room where the shower was also located. She climbed into the tub, closed the curtains and thought she was about to be killed by the “far-right Trumpists”.
True, there were obvious inconsistencies in this colourful fantasy story. After all, Ocasio-Cortez’s office is away from the main Capitol building, and it has not been stormed in any way. But the congresswoman continued to assert that she was telling the absolute truth.
Official comments from the Capitol Police soon followed. Those confirmed that there were no “rioters” in the Cannon Chamber, where Ocasio-Cortez’s office is located. What’s more, there were several occasions when police looked into her office, checking to see if everything was in order.
Here even the editors of Newsweek, who described Ocasio-Cortez’s colorful experiences, had to add a correction to the text to say that her office was not visited by “rebels”, but by ordinary police officers.
Ocasio-Cortez herself now claims that she simply did not distinguish between the two. They were both some scary white men with guns, so she was afraid of them, hiding in the back room.
In general, it is not the first time she has made a pathetic scene in public. Many remember her convulsing in front of Trump’s wall and an alleged “migrant concentration camp”. However, it later emerged that Ocasio-Cortez had staged the photo shoot in a regular car park near the border.
The slogan “Alexandria Ocasio-Smollett” – after another liberal fantasist, Jussie Smollett, who two years ago had persuaded his Nigerian friends to pose as “Trumpists” and stage an alleged “racist attack” on him – has also gained popularity on social media.
Liberals are sorely lacking in real hate crimes – they have to make them up.
Malek Dudakov