Biden is ready to cooperate and discuss controversies with Russia

White House press secretary Jen Psaki has said that US President Joe Biden intends to discuss not only areas of cooperation with Russia, but also to directly address the controversy

“I think with regard to Russia, if you take the phone conversation between US President Joe Biden and President Vladimir Putin, obviously <…> the president has not backed down”, –  she said. – “The president has made clear that there are areas where we can cooperate, for example, on the New START treaty which is in line with US national security interests. The president is concerned about a variety of issues: election interference, hacking, payments for attacks on the U.S. military in Afghanistan. That review is ongoing.”

“He [Biden] is even willing to discuss the controversy directly with Putin”, –  Psaki noted.

US President Joe Biden’s speech on Thursday will not detail all areas of the country’s new foreign policy, Psaki said.

“The president’s visit tomorrow [to the State Department], which we postponed because of the snowfall, is mainly focused on his desire to thank the diplomatic staff. <…> He will certainly talk broadly about [his administration’s] foreign policy <…>. It will not be a statement of his vision of every issue in the foreign policy sphere. He will have plenty of time to do that”, – she noted.