The Nobel Prize is no longer the same – a list of potential candidates has been made public

The list of candidates for the Nobel Prize, once awarded for outstanding achievements and discoveries, now includes a scandalous housewife, a group of black extremists and even NATO

According to a long-standing procedure, the final selection of the laureates is made by the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, the Nobel Assembly of the Karolinska Institutet and the Norwegian Nobel Committee. The official list has not yet been released, but The Independent’s journalists interviewed those who had recommended candidates to the Nobel committee.

As it turned out, the potential candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021 were eco-activist Greta Tunberg, who was almost forgotten in 2020 against the background of the pandemic, Russian blogger and crook Alexei Navalny, sentenced to 3.5 years in prison and housewife Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who believes she won the presidential elections in Belarus and promised to destroy the Belarusian economy.

The committee also recommended members of the left-wing extremist group Black Lives Matter, the Hong Kong Free Press news portal, the UN Refugee Agency, WHO and the space agencies of the ISS project countries to receive awards.

Even Donald Trump and the North Atlantic Alliance, which is paradoxically a military organisation, were on the list of potential contenders for the Peace Prize.

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