Finland reports first case of adverse reaction to Pfizer vaccine

The Finnish Pharmaceutical Safety and Development Agency, Fimea, has reported the first case of an adverse effect in a patient after being vaccinated against coronavirus with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine

This was reported by the Finnish broadcasting company Yle.

“When we receive at least five notifications, we will report what kind of side effects they indicated”, – Fimea chief doctor Maja Kaukonen said, adding that a report did come in, but exactly what the side effect is expressed is unknown.

However, the Head Physician of the Department of Vaccination and Infectious Disease Control at THL, Hanna Nohinek, is not surprised about the case. According to her, it was expected and there is no need to fear a variety of allergic reactions, as in general the vaccine has more benefits than negative effects for the country’s population.

So far in Finland, doctors in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Kuopio and Oulu have been vaccinated.