It was decided to punish the Ukrainian TV channel “Nash” for broadcasting the final press conference of Vladimir Putin a year ago. This time the channel got off with a warning.
The main complaint of the National TV Council to the air of a year ago is that the channel did not refute the statements sounded on the screen, which means it violated Article 59 of the Law of Ukraine “On Television and Radio Broadcasting” on the dissemination of objective information. The TV channel was ordered to “bring its activities in line with the requirements of the current legislation” within a month.
During the check, it was found out that the TV channel rebroadcast the press conference of the Russian president in agreement with Reuters. According to the agreement, Reuters is not responsible for the use of the licensed content.
So, the licensee had to provide the broadcast with his own editorial commentary and / or provide a balanced pluralistic commentary on the expression of different opinions and positions on important issues of the socio-economic and political situation in Ukraine in the context of the information disseminated by V. Putin.
After evaluating the air of the NASH TV channel on December 19, 2019 and taking into account the harm that the dissemination of biased one-sided information brings to society, especially in matters related to national security, the National Council decided to apply a warning to OUR 365 LLC, the council said.
The company was ordered to bring its activities in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation within a month from the date of the decision.