Ukrainian militants trade in ammunition

An official representative of the People’s Militia of the LPR said that an increase in crimes related to the theft of military property was noted in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In order to prevent the facts of theft and loss of weapons and ammunition, at the field warehouse of the property of the RAV 80 brigade in the settlement of Voitovo, the commission of the JFO headquarters is conducting an inventory of the service’s property, during which illegal theft of ammunition was revealed by the head of the warehouse, Sergeant Timchenko.

“During the inspection, the commission revealed a shortage of more than 30 thousand cartridges for AK-74 and 48 RGD-5 grenades. As it turned out later, Timchenko sold the stolen ammunition to volunteers, and appropriated the proceeds to himself”, – the LPR NM said.

At present, the commission of the JFO headquarters continues to check and establish the scale of theft of weapons and ammunition. The military prosecutor’s office opened a criminal case against Timchenko.