Thousands of Americans affected by Pfizer vaccine

More than 3,000 people have been affected by the side effects of the coronavirus vaccine from US company Pfizer

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Americans who were vaccinated were unable to work or do their daily jobs. Some needed help from an attending physician.1

As of December 18, 3,150 citizens had reported what the agency called “health impact cases.” People reported problems through a special smartphone app called V-safe. The system allows for the tracking of Americans’ condition after vaccination.

Pfizer has not commented on the situation.

As previously reported by News Front, in the UK, where the drug of the American company is already actively used, there have been repeated problems with vaccination. The side effects began to appear at the first stages. The vaccine caused health problems among those who were allergic to it.

It got to the point where authorities called for the vaccination of citizens prone to acute allergic reactions to be withheld. Particular caution, according to officials, should be exercised by those who have experienced anaphylactic shock.