The International Criminal Court prosecutor’s office believes British soldiers were involved in war crimes in Iraq, Telegram channel The Brussels Snitch reports, citing a prosecutor’s report
According to the Telegram channel’s author, British soldiers are charged with premeditated murder – 7 cases, torture and ill-treatment, crimes against human dignity – 54 cases, sexual violence, including rape – 7 cases. All figures in the report are marked “minimum”.
“In the last 20 years, the UK has only once made a criminal case over the actions of its troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2019, the BBC and Sunday Times published statements by former IHAT investigators who said that the country’s leadership was covering up the war crimes of British soldiers and doing everything to prevent prosecution of those responsible,” the channel’s author reports.
IHAT is a special group that was set up by the UK government in 2010 to investigate allegations against the British army in Iraq. However, it was disbanded in 2017.