US vaccination stalled as thousands of Americans die from COVID-19 daily

The side effects of the Pfizer vaccine cloud the future prospects for mass use of the drug in the United States.

As News Front previously reported, in Alaska, a medic was hospitalized after being injected with the vaccine. The incident resembled those in Britain. There, allergy sufferers showed side effects, and the authorities were forced to recommend citizens with allergies to refuse vaccination.

However, as reported by Bloomberg, the Alaskan health worker did not have allergies. Despite this, just 10 minutes after the injection, he felt short of breath. He was sent to the emergency department where the patient’s condition was stabilized. At the same time, the case makes it clear that vaccination in the United States is facing major obstacles with the daily death toll of the coronavirus exceeding 3,000.

Pfizer is also watching what is happening. Jerica Pitts, a spokeswoman for the company, assured that if such cases continue to be recorded, Pfizer will update the wording in the instructions for the drug.

However, side effects are not the only factor disrupting vaccination plans. According to Bloomberg, the two states faced delays in the supply of 3.9 thousand doses of the drug. Moreover, Pfizer announced that it was disrupting the delivery of an additional 900,000 doses that were due to be shipped this week.

As expected, the key issue was the need to store the vaccine at -70 degrees Celsius. Because of these strict restrictions, California and Alabama have withdrawn some of the drug, which would have been enough for 975 people. The vaccine was returned to the manufacturer as the temperature in the containers was lower than required.