Former Maidan supporter told the bitter truth about the collapse of Ukraine

According to the philosopher Seregey Datsyuk, the end of Ukraine as a state is inevitable.

According to “Politnavigator” in an interview with the Kiev Internet publication “Apostrof”, the former apologist of “Maidan” Seregy Datsyuk said that the days of Ukraine are numbered.

“It so happens that some kind of structure is not capable of living, because it is not capable of realizing itself as a whole. Today we are dealing with just such a situation. Ukraine is incapable of realizing itself as an integrity. Not at any point and in any space”, – Datsyuk said.

According to the philosopher, the new Ukraine will have to be built on the caresses of the previous territory.

“From separate enclaves, separate territories, separate structures – and start building from below. We have already missed the moment when we could do this at the national level. This has already happened. The disappearance of Ukraine is already inevitable. We must continue to live”, – Datsyuk summed up.