The Brazilian Foreign Minister announced the non-recognition of the results of the elections in Venezuela

Ernest Araujo called the election “an attempt to legitimize the regime” of President Nicolas Maduro

Brazilian Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo considers the election of the new Venezuelan National Assembly on Sunday to be an “attempt to legitimise the regime” of President Nicolas Maduro of the Bolivarian Republic.

“He will be able to legitimize himself exclusively in the eyes of those who value or tolerate dictatorship and organized crime”, –  the diplomat wrote on Twitter. According to him, the recognition of legitimacy will result in “even greater oppression and hunger among Venezuelans, increased criminality throughout the region.”

He also stressed the willingness of Brazil to continue working to restore democracy in Venezuela “with all willing partners”.

“We will defend security, human dignity and freedom in Latin America and around the world”, –  says Araujo.