William Barr has appointed a special prosecutor for the 2016 Case.
As the Telegram channel “DROBNITSKY” writes, US Attorney General William Barr, who earlier angered Trump by saying that the Justice Department did not have enough data on election violations to change their result, now made the top of the intelligence services and Joe Biden nervous.
“By his order, Barr appointed prosecutor John Duram as special prosecutor to investigate the origins of the ‘Russian case’ and violations committed by the special services during the 2016 campaign. Duram will have the same powers and independence as Special Prosecutor Mueller, who investigated Trump’s collusion with the Kremlin. Wiretapping of Trump’s headquarters, fabrication of the “Russian case”, conspiracy of special services to prevent Trump’s election, illegal initiation of cases against members of Trump’s team – this and much will be included in the terms of reference of the new special prosecutor”, – Drobnitsky writes.
Duram’s investigation could have far-reaching consequences for Biden and its administration. Both the former vice president himself, and many officials returning with him to Washington, may be smeared in the case. In addition, many of the US Senate investigations could be turned over to Duram. So it will take a serious effort on the Biden-Harris team to get off the hook.
The US Attorney General decided to deal with the fake about Russian interference in the past elections. The US Attorney General decided to deal with the fake about Russian interference in the past elections
Copies of William Barr’s order on the appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the “case-2016” have been published (he is often referred to as the origins of the “Russian case”). The range of issues within the competence of the investigation is very wide. The special prosecutor himself can also expand the scope of the investigation.